Month: May 2021

First Strawberries of the Summer

Hey Everyone!

It is officially Strawberry Season here in Oregon. I love Oregon Strawberries. They are so flavorful and good. I picked up some yesterday from a local farm stand while on my way home from work.

These are totally worth the price. They are so much better than what you can get at the grocery store.

I also made Jam yesterday with some of the berries, after I had taken my nap.

This week has been a revolving door of work, shower, eat sleep, repeat. Sleeping has been at the top of the list when I am not working. It will be interesting to see how my second job plays out as September gets closer. Even if it doesn’t work out to stay on, it will have been some much needed financial assistance. I will also know either way in plenty of time before the holiday season starts at the job I have been at for almost three years.

My body is definitely feeling the work I have done this week. I am definitely sore. I definitely have a bigger appreciation for those who do this long term. It would probably be easier if I was a young (college age) active guy. Since I am not, I am definitely just doing the best that I can.

First Week of Working a second job

Hey Everyone!

What a week it has been, and it’s only Thursday. This week has felt like forever, and has been a rough one.

I started my second job Sunday night. The first week is always the hardest. I am still unsure about it and if it is a good fit, though no decisions are going to be made for at least another couple of weeks.

My body is definitely feeling the freight and the overnights.

I was definitely happy when I got off work this morning, besides the fact that it was raining, which I love. I also knew I could go to bed when I got home, and then sleep tonight like a normal person, granted I have to be up at 4 am to go to my other job, but actually sleeping during the night will be amazing. When I had walked out of work, and the rain was coming down, I was like “I didn’t know I was transported to Alaska overnight”

Part of and I would say the biggest of my concerns / uncertainty over the new job being a good fit is the effects on my body. Between some old injuries from when I was a teenager and now knee and low back issues as an adult. I am not wanting to do too much more damage than is already done. I definitely want to make it through the busy season there (summer), and gauge how I am doing towards the end of the summer.

I also am figuring out my schedule for doing non work stuff. Thursday is definitely going to be laundry day. It’s a good day between jobs to make sure I have clean work clothes for the next round of work. Friday’s after work, will probably be used for errands.

It takes time to Adjust

Hey Everyone!

Getting ready to go to work for my second shift at my new / second job, and I already found my first bruise. I have no idea how I got it, besides working freight last night.

These first few months, I am in a probationary period, it is how the company works. At first, I was like, “yeah, Whatever”. Now, I am driving seeing the logic of it, to make sure that I am a good fit for the store / company and the job is a good fit for me.

Any new job can be nerve wracking, so I keep telling myself to do my best and that it takes time to get the hang of a new job, or new anything you are doing.

First overnight in a while

Hey Everyone!

Last night was my first shift at my new job. I know I haven’t posted about it much, or at all in the 11 days, as I have been waiting to actually start.

I worked Friday and Saturday at my other job and like I said, I started my new job last night. I was doing pretty good until about 3:30 am. It was then that the being up all night hit me. Once I figured out my log in stuff, and was working on my training when it hit. Working on freight kept me moving and awake.

My commute both ways was so short, it was nice.

Once I got home, I showered, had a little food and then went to bed. I woke up about 1, had some more food, went back to bed for a couple hours, and then woke up again. I then made my lunch for tonight, and got dinner.

I haven’t worked an overnight in a while. I have worked several at my first job, but I haven’t worked them on a regular basis since 2017.

Fresh Snips

Hey Everyone!

I can’t believe that I have let two weeks lapse without posting! The last couple weeks have been a blur.

There were days when I felt like crap on toast, and went back to bed. Other days I had to push through it and go to work. Then there were days like the past couple where I have been working my butt off getting things accomplished.

Sunday, my brother came over for Mother’s Day, and he made this Fettuccine and Scallops dish for dinner, which was so good.

I was able to get some more of my stuff out of my parents house this morning, and then I ran a couple errands, including going to The Home Depot and Black Rock Coffee before getting my haircut. I spent my afternoon working on getting my old room at my parents house cleaned. It’s definitely a process, but I am making progress. I also got some laundry done, and wound three hanks of yarn up.

After going full speed today, I finally finished things done and have been able to relax and veg out for a bit.