Month: October 2023

Living with an undiagnosed chronic health condition is

Hey Everyone!

Living with an undiagnosed chronic health condition is going to the doctor often

Living with an undiagnosed chronic health condition is having to get labs done often

Living with an undiagnosed chronic health condition is having to get an intermittent leave of absence through work so you can take care of all the medical appointments you have and not lose your job

Living with an undiagnosed chronic health condition is staying at the job you are at because you have good health insurance

Living with an undiagnosed chronic health condition is even with the good health insurance and financial assistance you are still broke from the things not covered

Living with an undiagnosed chronic health condition is taking naps regularly because you are always exhausted

Living with an undiagnosed chronic health condition is still being exhausted even with all the caffeine

Living with an undiagnosed chronic health condition is drinking all the caffeine to try to function through a day

Living with an undiagnosed chronic health condition is frustrating since you don’t have answers even though you know something is wrong

Living with an undiagnosed chronic health condition is just trying to function a physically demanding job where your always on your feet because you need a paycheck and you have been with the company for over two years now

Living with an undiagnosed chronic health condition is hoping to find answers sooner than later so you can look for a different job that will actually be a career

Living with an undiagnosed chronic health condition is your hobbies take a back burner because you are too tired to partake in them.

Living with an undiagnosed chronic health condition is becoming used to the pain because it is always there

Living with an undiagnosed chronic health condition means your social life is non existent because you are tired and hurting all the time

Living with an undiagnosed chronic health condition is when all you want to do is live away from the hustle and bustle of city life and do what you want to do.

Something Most People Don’t Know

What’s something most people don’t know about you?

One of the biggest things a lot of people don’t know about me is that I know how to knit, and have known how since I was 10 years old.

I am astonished that people don’t know this, because it is my main hobby and I have been doing it for so long.