Tag: Knitting

Life Update

Hey Everybody!

What a crazy few months it has been. I have meant to write a post several times, and here we are.

Living with an autoimmune disease is hard, and I still haven’t been diagnosed with a specific one yet, as the specialists that I have seen so far have not been able to figure out which one I have. That being said, with all the labs and diagnostic testing that has been done, my rheumatologist was pretty much like “yeah, you definitely have something autoimmune going on, even though it’s not cut and dry which one it is”. That much is a relief, so he started me on a medication that is used to treat multiple autoimmune diseases.

I had an interview here a few weeks ago for a promotion at a store closer to home, that I didn’t get. This evening I had another interview for the same promotion but at a different location. Funny story though, my interviewer for this interview was my department manager at the store I left to take my current position. I have to wait and see how things play out here with this interview.

Part of why I am actually writing this post now is to help me wind down before calling it a night so I can actually get some sleep before having to go to Jury Duty in the morning. As much as I don’t want to go, ‘cause, well Jury Duty, at least I don’t have to go to Downtown Portland. I moved out of Portland and Multnomah County over two years ago.

Something Most People Don’t Know

What’s something most people don’t know about you?

One of the biggest things a lot of people don’t know about me is that I know how to knit, and have known how since I was 10 years old.

I am astonished that people don’t know this, because it is my main hobby and I have been doing it for so long.

Getting into Outlander

Hey Everyone!

The past couple months, I have been absent from this blog, and let it take a back seat. I haven’t had the energy or desire to write here, as my health has taken a higher priority. Life has been a revolving cycle of eat, sleep, shower, work, and Doctors appointments to try and figure out why i am having the health issues I am dealing with. To say that I haven’t had much energy is an understatement.

My days off have been filled with trying to rest, exercise and my Dr’s appointments. I am trying to fit them all in on my days off so I don’t have to take time off work to deal with them – in order to adjust for usually sleeping during the day.

This week was a busy one. I had a couple of appointments, went and got strawberries, made 5 batches of homemade jam with my mom and finished up a pair of socks.

I definitely have been feeling the turning and burning, and it has definitely caught up with me.

Thursday, I definitely rested. AT&T service was sketchy in my area the entire day, so my phone was pretty much useless the whole day, which kinda sucked. My phone is the only internet connection I have, so if AT&T is not working, I have to go old school. Besides resting, I washed the pairs of hand knit socks I had done and put them to dry on my drying rack, and read a few chapters of Outlander.

I had forgotten how much I enjoy reading and it’s not likeni don’t have enough books read. It is definitely a goal to spend more time reading, especially if I am trying to relax, decompress and eventually fall asleep.

I read most if not all of Outlander a while back, before the move. Though I forgot most of what I read since then, and most of what I remember is actually from the TV show, so I am really trying to get into the book again, and pay attention to what I am reading. Part of why I am rereading it is so I can actually get into the series and actually read the books rather than just watching the show that leaves a lot out and changes things.

Yarn Shops and Covid Shots

Hey Everyone!

Yesterday was quite the day. I decided to go get my covid booster. I have been very hesitant and reluctant about getting vaccinated, since I feel like there still isn’t enough long term data on them. That being said, I got my original series last fall because I had started working at a grocery store in the city full time, whereas I had previously been working part time at a retail store in the suburbs. My exposure had increased exponentially. I decided to get my booster based on having been diagnosed with a chronic health issue back in April, as well as having to moved to a store where I feel like my exposure rate is even higher. I feel like in my position, I don’t have the luxury of having certain principles and that in my position I have to do the best I can with the hand I have been dealt.

I have been wanting to visit and shop at some of the local yarn shops that are left in this city. I know of four that have closed in the last several years. I have been meaning to go visit as many of the yarn shops that are still around as possible. Yesterday, I visited two of them. Both are in areas I am familiar with. They made me ready for fall again, for all the cozy Knits. I seriously need to learn how to hand knit sweaters and cardigans for myself.

I did buy some very pretty sock yarn yesterday. I am going to have some amazing socks when I am done. I am excited to get to work up this yarn.

This morning I finished up the first sock in the pair of socks I am working on. This came as a sock set with a main hank of variegated yarn with a smaller tonal yarn for heels and toes. This colorway set is called “Road to Rhinebeck”. I am wanting to go to Rhinebeck. It isn’t going to be this year, I am going to try to go next year.

When I am able to go to Rhinebeck Sheep and Wool Festival, I will definitely be wearing these socks at some point.

This colorway and having gone to yarn shops, make me think of fall, and all things good that have to do with fall. Things like Cozy Sweaters, Cardigans, Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Lattes, Gilmore Girls, Grimm, The scene from the first season of Virgin River – Mel’s first day in town where she is walking down the street talking to her sister, wearing a cozy sweater and cute boots. All the amazing fall things.

I definitely feel like this is going to be the summer of yarn shopping.

Over the past month, I have been following the Johnny Depp v Amber Heard trial. Today, the verdict was handed down. While I am not a legal commentary channel. Though I do find the law and how the law works is fascinating.

The Goals make me more Driven

Hey Everyone!

The past six to seven weeks have been crazy and have seemingly flown by. Part of that has been dealing with a health concern I have been having to deal with. I have already had several doctors appointments and have had to make more. All of them are to continue working on figuring out the why my health condition is happening and what is causing it. It’s been a lot on top of work.

I am definitely glad that I am at a job where I have decent medical benefits. I have definitely needed them this year. Having them has allowed me to actually deal with my health issues and work on living healthy. Any of the other jobs I have had have not offered me health insurance because I was only part time. The temp job I had, I had insurance but it was not as good as what I have now.

Medical insurance and our health care system as a whole, is definitely a problem here. It’s difficult to be able to afford quality health care in this country without very good medical insurance. That medical insurance generally isn’t available to the working class and lower income individuals. It’s no wonder that obesity and other chronic health conditions are sky rocketing here in the US.

It doesn’t help the problem when our food is stuffed full of sodium and sugar. Even the “healthier” options at the grocery store – even at the upscale yuppy hipster upper class grocery stores are full of sodium and sugar.

It is still a dream of mine to one day move further away from the city, live on property and raise as much of my own food as possible. That being said, what I can’t grow/raise I want to be able to access locally from other small farmers / homesteaders / orchards, and put up my own food.

On my days off, I have been trying to get out for walks in the mornings while it is still cool. This morning I went for a 4.25 mile walk. It kicked my butt.

I had ordered a couple more hanks of yarn from Bumblebee Acres fiber farm, and I finally got them wound up today.

The Rainiest of Days

Hey Everyone!

Yesterday was the rainest day we have had in a long time. Most of the city saw at least .6 of an inch other parts saw upwards of .75 of an inch. A lot of that rain came in the early morning hours when I was at work.

It’s days like that, where I want to live somewhere cooler and with even more rainfall.

It’s days like that, that call for an extra cup of tea and a good view, and plenty of knitting to work on.

When You Can’t Work Remote

Hey Everyone!

This time of year, especially is when it would be great to be able to work from home. When it’s nasty outside and the roads are not the place to be.

I am definitely looking forward to getting my room finished up, which might take a little longer than I anticipated, due to not being able to get into work a couple nights. That is OK though.

I am definitely looking forward to this cold snap being over and being able to be getting back to work.

While I am stuck at home, I have been working on knitting the socks I have in the works. I haven’t had much time of late to do so, I should take advantage of it since mother nature is forcing me to stay home.

It’s November already??

Hey Everyone!

I am still kind of in shock that it is November already.

Earlier this week, I received the new yarn I had ordered, and got it wound up.

I also made my mom her birthday pie since it’s her birthday month and her birthday is closer to Thanksgiving, so I make it earlier in the month.

This morning I needed to run a few errands. While I was out, I picked up new windshield wiper blades, as the old ones were to the point of needing to be changed a year or two ago. I also changed them out myself. There are certain things I try and do myself, as I don’t want to be the stereotypical girl who can’t do anything for myself.

We actually got the first shipment of Christmas stuff at work on Monday night. It filled a U boat (a type of cart we have at work) which isn’t bad at all, since it’s mainly going on end caps and slat walls. It was nothing in comparison to what we would get at my old job, which was normal retail versus just a grocery store.

I had gone to Fred Meyer this morning. They have their Christmas displays out already.

The crazy thing is, is that I am actually excited for Christmas this year, which I haven’t been in about 5 years (I worked normal retail the past 4 holiday seasons). While work still takes up a lot of my time and energy, it isn’t near as crazy as my other retail jobs. I am definitely glad that my schedule doesn’t really change unless a shift gets added. As much as I am not a fan of occasionally working 5 – ten hour night shifts in a row, it’s definitely better than what I had been working where the days I worked and when I would start work would constantly be changing.

The fact that I am actually excited for Christmas again is a good thing. I knew I would be once I changed jobs and left the one I had been at.

I have also been enjoying autumn as much as possible this year. Watching the leaves change, the weather cooling off, the days getting shorter, the rain coming in.

Weekends Go by Way too Fast

Hey Everyone!

The past couple of weeks have been pretty busy. I definitely feel like I haven’t had much down time since I started my new job a couple months ago.

It’s kinda crazy that a couple of months have already passed. Since I kind of work a crazy schedule days wise and work nights to boot, my weekends are in the middle of the typical work week.

Some jobs turn into careers, others are just to help you in the interim to pay bills and stuff until you find something better.

Fall is finally here in full swing, which is amazing. I have missed this.

The past couple of days I have actually had the time to sit and work on my knitting which has been nice. This weekend, I have actually finished the cuff, knit and turned the heel, knit the gussets and I am now working on the foot.

Ending Week 2

Hey Everyone!

I am definitely feeling three night shifts in a row. I have one more shift until my weekend.

I am also still in figuring it out mode. Beings that I am new and still figuring out how things work.

I do have to say that this job is definitely going so much better than the 2.5 weeks I spent at Home Depot back like 2 months ago, while I was still working at Cost Plus World Market. I was at World Market for a couple months shy of 3 years.

I had ordered a new pair of shoes when I was just starting this job. I have had such a hard time finding shoes with a wide enough toe box, and I have had such a hard time with toe and foot pain over the past four years. I finally spent the money and bought a pair of Altras, which have been amazing so far. They were designed for trail running, but I had heard about them from a YouTuber who has completed the triple crown of thru hiking. So far they have been the best pair of work shoes I have ever had and definitely worth the money.

I have also found that having my own music helps the shift go by faster, yet having corded headphones is kinda frustrating, so I ordered a pair of wireless headphones from skullcandy.

I have also started a budget to see where my money goes and what needs to be paid, and what I can save, and get paid down. I am kinda hoping to get some money saved up and go to Alaska next summer or the year after.

The yarn I had ordered arrived today. It is su pretty.

I will definitely getting it wound up this week.